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My Library Program

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For the last thirteen months I have been driving around the country with my family. We return home to Seattle this week. During that time I have given my Cartooning in the Digital Age program three dozen times, and it’s turned into a really fun and informative session for teens and adults trying to understand the path of becoming creative professionals of all kinds. I have gotten scads of positive reviews from libraries and colleges around the country.

My trip is over, but I’ve decided to keep doing this program. I’ll be giving it twice in October, to the students, faculty, and staff of the California Maritime Academy on October 13th, and then to the public at the Canton, Michigan Public Library on October 27th.

If your library or college is within a day’s drive of Seattle, and you’d like to hire me to give my program in the next few months, drop me a line. And, of course, Gene and I continue to be available to keynote profeessional gatherings of library workers. There’s more information, and a full schedule, at our talks & appearances page.

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