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Last Day of the Sale!

It's the last day of the sale! We are running out of sizes left and right - we just sold our last Read Responsibly shirt and any minute now we'll sell the last (non-defective) cow shirt. I don't know if we'll ever do a sale again - I'm hoping our move to a preorder model will make such things obsolete - but it's been pretty fun and we've obviously made a lot of people happy.

Sad Cows

Our shirt recall has prompted a number of positive comments by our customers to the effect of "I'm impressed you guys have this much integrity." It wasn't easy deciding to do this. Our printer is eating the cost of the shirts and printing even though they themselves may not be entirely at fault (it could be bad ink), and we're paying for the shipping. We don't know how many shirts are affected (so far replies are running about 10% but there's two weeks left to the recall), so the financial consequences could be high. But in the end it was a no-brainer. Our merchandise is an increasingly large part of our business - we can't get away with selling broken products.

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