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Freaks in our Midst

Even though we knew it was coming, Sara and I were still surprised to see she and Rosie staring back at us from the front page of Sunday's Seattle Times. Turn to the Northwest Living section and now it's all four of us. It's an article about how we supposedly epitomize "natural parenting," whatever that means. Not that I'm not a proud and occasionally evangelistic practitioner of the ways we've chosen to parent. It's just that I don't particularly feel part of a movemenet. I notice, for example, that many of the people who make the same choices we do so for different reasons.

Note to self: next time I'm a subject of a photo spread, get a hair cut first.

I Had a Dream

In it, Gene and I had a booth at a conference and went to a program. While we were there the speaker recognized us and asked us a question. I responded by telling a funny story. But no one laughed. It was then I realized we hadn't left anyone to watch the booth. I went back and the booth was a mess. Someone wanted to sign up for email delivery but I had forgotten to bring any signup sheets. Then all my pens were leaking. I realized the books were all beat-up. I had forgotten to send mail telling people we were coming. And so on. Finally I woke up, happy to realize our next conference is five months away.

Normal people dream they go to work without pants. I dream I go to a library conference without email delivery signup sheets.

Welcome new readers

Gene just finished adding the 300 or so people who signed up for email delivery at ALA, bringing us to over 8300 people on the list. Welcome to all, and of course if you're new to the strip enjoy the primer and our archives.

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