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Here at the Overdue Media Store we think we are past the main holiday rush. We expect to ship the reprints of the "What happens in the library" and "What happens in storytime" shirts on Tuesday as scheduled, at which point we'll have shipped over four hundred orders. And when I say "we" I mean "Jana", the magic elf who has made this holiday selling season a happily peaceful one for me and Gene. Thanks, Jana!

If you still have shopping to do, we highly recommend you get your order in by the 9th to make sure it goes out on Tueday the 13th and consequently arrives by December 24th. We'll keep shipping after that, but Priority Mail slows down this time of year, and we want to make sure no one gets disappointed! Still hoping to paying by check? You're welcome to try but we can't ship your order until we receive your payment.


Scott Adams has either ruined or made my life (I can't yet decide which) by deconstructing the mystery of humor into this simple formula. Last night I couldn't get to sleep because I was analyzing every strip we've ever done. Well, that and because I was coughing my lungs out. But I was happy I had something to do while expulminating or whatever the technical term for lung-coughing-outing is.

Our ears are burning

Cindy Rider gave us a nice two-page writup in this month's Indiana Libraries. She says

Unshelved is also great at giving its readers the opportunity to vicariously experience doing what we wish we could do in real life.
and adds
Unshelved is a brilliant source of tips on management techniques and providing excellence in customer service.
(although I think she was being ironic there.) Thanks, Cindy!

Also, the fall Comic Con International Update said

Web comics made a huge impact, starting with the fifth annual panel for web comics publisher Keenspot, and the subscription-based web comics service Modern Tales. But the fervor really ignited with Comic-Con's continuing Web Comics School, which covered everything from launching your own titles to actually making money from this new art form.
That was the Web Comics School that I founded and moderated, if that isn't touting my own horn too much. Of course it was the many talented panelists that made it so great. Looking forward to seeing them again next year!

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