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Welcome Penny Arcade readers... again

For the second time we're the beneficiary of a link from our friend Tycho at Penny Arcade, the Internet's home of finely crafted gaming comics. Tycho and his cohort Gabe were two of the stars of the Webcomics School series of panels that I moderated (sometimes more effectively than others) at Comic Con last month. I used to hate those guys, and now I love them. Pheromones? I can only hope that we, too, improve with repeated exposure.

Anyway, it's worth hitting our primer to help understand what we've got here. Namely, a comic strip about books and the characters who love them. Every Sunday we do a "book club" promoting a real book we've read and liked, but in comical form. The rest of the time it's workplace humor set in your local public library. Enjoy, and tell your friends.

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