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New year, new start

For the last few months I've been growing increasingly unhappy with my Unshelved art. Frankly I haven't been giving it my all. This is in large part due to my circumstances - with a day job and a family I just don't have a lot of free time - but the fact is that the strip is the heart of everything we do, and if I'm ever going to be able to quit said day job it will be because of the strip. And heck, if I'm not growing as an artist why even bother? Aside from the fame and fortune, that is.

So I'm making another new year's resolution. Namely, to invest more time and energy into my art. Specifically, I'm going back to pencilling the strip with, well, a pencil. On paper and everything. Then I'll scan it and ink on the computer. I'll talk at another time why this is probably the right balance between analog and digital media. I'm not promising I'll have time to do this every time, but I'm going to do my best.

How to reconcile my two resolutions, one requiring me to produce content on time and the other requiring me to spend more time on content? My strength is as the strength of ten because my heart is pure. Please support the effort.

This Unshelved strip

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