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FAQ preorder reminder

Just 17 days left in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) preorder. Order by May 31 and we'll sign your book and I'll sketch Colleen (or the character of your choice) in it. In addition, we'll both sign any books you order with your copy of FAQ. Order our full set of six (or any six of our books) for just $70 (free shipping in the US and Canada). Plus we have our new t-shirts.

Five years ago we printed our first book. It was a scary thing to do, but our readers were kind enough to preorder enough copies to pay for the entire print run. Now costs have gone up so much that we need to sell almost twice as many books as we did back then just to break even. And of course now I'm trying to make a living at this, so it's even scarier than it was back then. So if after all this time a new collection of Unshelved still sounds like fun to you, I'd like to humbly suggest that this is a great time to avail yourself of one.

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