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Mail Bag

The new site has been up for almost a week, and we're still sorting through the wreckage. Here's what we've heard so far:

  • Most of you are supportive of our decision to go to five days a week. Thanks! A very few showed an impressive degree of entitlement regarding their absolutely free comic strips.
  • You love our new book reviews!
  • Some of you love the bigger strip size. Some of you are annoyed that it makes you scroll too much. We went with a bigger strip to help those with aging eyes, and also because our original size looks tiny on today's big screens. But if you don't have one of today's big screens, it's pretty darned big. So we're compromising. Starting with last Friday's strip we're splitting the difference with a new medium-sized strip.
  • Some folks who stopped getting our emails months or years ago suddenly started getting it again. Welcome back! One of our biggest and most welcome changes was outsourcing our email delivery to a company that does this for a living. Our email delivery should be considerably more reliable now.
  • Some folks who had been receiving our email without issue are now getting nothing but gobbledegook. Oops, apparently our shiny new email delivery service did not come without consequences. This problem is largely confined to older email programs, specifically Outlook 2003 and earlier, and there doesn't seem to be much we can do about it. If you can't upgrade your mail program, perhaps change to a webmail address or switch to using RSS, specifically Google Reader, to read Unshelved and your other favorite sites and blogs. Worst case you can use your new, nonsensical email as a reminder to check our website.
  • You miss the Random button and other site features such as Search, Store, Pimp My Bookcart. We do too, and I'm working hard to bring them back. Thank you for your patience.

Thanks to everyone who wrote in! We're always happy to hear what you have to say.

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