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We just got our biggest library order to date, a dozen books for the King County Library System, one of my two local library systems (the other is Seattle Public Library). I can't wait to drop by Bellevue and find my book in the stacks! Although what I really want is to see it checked out...

Dear Birthmother

For the past three months Sara and I have been wading through the paperwork required to adopt the first of several siblings for Theo. Tonight we finished the final draft of our "Dear Birthmother" letter, wherein we attempt to convince the mother of our child-to-be to give us her baby. Heavy stuff, and it was hard to know what to say and where to start. In the end we pretty much just described what a great life we have made/planned for our child(ren). Then it just flowed. As soon as this is submitted the time will then come to wait. Hopefully not too long, it really could happen within weeks although two to three months is more likely.


Yesterday we submitted our trademark registration documents and our copyright registration. We also ordered t-shirts for Toronto to add to the lanyards we had already ordered. I think we'll have one more surprise there, but I won't announce it until I have it in hand.

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