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BBMM III: The Final Schedule

There is an entire discipline of computer science around the subject of scheduling the largest number of movies in one day. Or at least there ought to be. There are lots of variables. How long previews last, walking time between theatres, friends who want to come, which movies I've seen/want to see/am willing to see, time for eating and bathroom breaks. It's not easy, and compromises are inevitable. But after sweating over Saturday's movie times I have finally made a decision. And here it is.

The Third Annual Bill's Birthday Movie Marathon starts with brunch with my family and any friends who want to join in. It's crucial that I eat an enormous amount of food because the longest break I have during the day is twenty minutes. Then I'm heading downtown. I hoped to try a U.District (or even multi-neighborhood) marathon, but downtown wins for having the highest density of screens as well as the earliest first showtime.

I'll begin my movie watching at 11:35 at the Meridian with Closer a light romantic comedy. I'll walk down the hall for the 1:30 showing of The Aviator, a film about the last days of JFK Jr. Then a very short meal break (my only one of the day). At 4:40 I resume movie watching at Pacific Place with the German expressionist classic Ocean's Twelve. Then it's a four-block sprint to the Cinerama for the 7:00 showing of House of Flying Daggers, which I understand is about remodelling your home, a timely subject for me. Another spring back to the Meridian where I'll finish off the day with a song in my heart at the 9:20 show of Oliver Stone's Phantom of the Opera. I'll drop by Rob's party to help celebrate him finishing his book, and then with any luck I'll be back home and asleep by 1:00am, having successfully seen five movies in one day.

Interesting in joining me for brunch and/or a movie? Drop me a line.

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