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Moving write along

Today Sara took the kids and gave me a whole day to work on the book. It was a big success. The entire comic book is now scripted, layed out, and lettered. I just need to review the final wording with Gene and then I'll get drawing. We are on target for my goal of sending this off to the printer in mid-April.

More to the point, it's a funny script, if I do say so myself. I laughed out loud several times while I was writing. You might think it's a little, well, egotistical to laugh at your own jokes. But really, if I don't think it's funny who will? Anyway, a lot of them were Gene's jokes. I was just putting them in context.


I knew it had to happen, but it didn't make the blow land any lighter. Wacom has come out with a new, bigger, better Cintiq. The 21ux has a 21" 1600x1200 screen and 1024 levels of pen sensitivity. When it comes to a drawing surface more is definitely better. I wish I had a whole drawing table's worth of display tablet.

Of course there's nothing really wrong with my trusty 18sx. It meets my needs perfectly well. But I can't help the way I am. Knowing there's something better than mine makes me feel... lessened.

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