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I Love New York

Gene and I left New York yesterday morning after a great luncheon talk at the New York Library Association on Saturday. Apparently it was the largest attendance they've ever had. Almost every conference I've been to has a problem with the last day - people don't stay for the last day. Increasingly library conferences are using us to fight that tendency, and it seems to work. People are willing to stay longer for a good time.

That was our last talk of 2006. It was a great year. We spoke in Oklahoma, Oregon, California, Connecticut, Michigan, New York, and 4 times in our home state of Washington. Speaking is super fun, but the travelling is getting to be too much, so next year we are going to limit oursleves to six or so speaking trips. That plus three "selling" conferences is more than enough. We are almost all full up for 2007 and already booking talks in 2008. Phew!

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