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Four Things

First of all, Tuesday we're headed to Boston for PLA. If you'll be there please stop by booth 613 and say Hi. The first 1000 visitors to our booth get a spiffy Unshelved badge ribbon. And if you're hoping to buy something, may we recommend you do it earlier rather than later? At ALA we ran out of practically everything by the second day. We brought more stuff this time around, but we hate to disappoint.

Secondly, we understand that many of you prefer women's styles in your t-shirts due to your being, well, women. We are thus announcing the all-new women's fitted version of the "What happens in storytime stays in storytime" shirt, in extra-feminine purple on pink. It's in stock at the store. We've also stocked up on all sizes of the women's Book Club shirts. Come and get 'em. (Yes, we're bringing a few to PLA.)

Thirdly, we're doing a flurry of talks this spring. We're speaking at the Oklahoma Library Association in Tulsa on March 31st, the Oregon Library Association in Salem on April 6th, the Washington Library Association in Tacoma on April 20th, the Connecticut Library Association on May 10th, and the California State Library on May 17th. Phew!

Finally, everyone's asking where our new book is. We had hoped to have it ready by PLA, but life interceded. We promise we'll have it in time for ALA in June. We think it will be worth the wait.

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