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URLs and Google

Last month we changed our main URL from to It's no big deal - the old one redirects to the new one - but those of you who are sticklers for correctness (and I have to assume that's most of you) may wish to update your links. This will also help us convince Google that the new URL is the definitive one. Oh the things we do for Google. Truly we serve a capricious god.

While we're on the subject, search for "comic strips" on Google and see who's currently #8. These things never last, so let's enjoy the moment.

Welcome ALA readers

At ALA last week several hundred folks signed up to receive Unshelved in their email. Welcome! Please visit our primer to learn about the strip. If getting your email daily is too much, you can change to weekly (or vice versa) or unsubscribe at our email delivery page. And if you're an RSS person (you'll know it if you are) then our feed is just a click away. So many options, so little time.

I was going to provide a chatty ALA recap here, much as I was planning on providing a chatty BEA recap here last month. But the truth is that we spent most of our time at the booth signing books and selling shirts which, while good for business, isn't very blogworthy. Suffice to say a good time was had by all. Next stop on the Unshelved Summer Conference Tour: Comic Con. And then home for two consecutive months without travel.

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