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Early Word

You probably already know our friend Nora Rawlinson. She broke new ground as a selection librarian for Baltimore Public Library, she was editor at Library Journal, editor-in-chief at Publishers Weekly, and head of library marketing for Time Warner Books/Hachette. Now she's out to help libraries find out about books before they're out. Thus the title of her blog Early Word. Visit it today, then add her RSS feed to your daily reads!

Guest Book Club

A belated thank-you to friend-of-Unshelved Dawn Rutherford for providing the pitch for Sunday's Unshelved Book Club of Audrey, Wait!. We don't let just anyone recommend books for our strip, but Dawn is, emphatically, not just anyone.

Unshelved trivia: in addition to her many wonderful attributes as a librarian, Dawn is the one who outed our strip (then called "Overdue") to the world via in early 2003, just weeks after we started the strip, long before we had planned to "go public" with our work. This probably worked out for the best, as all the attention forced some much-needed accountability on us. So thanks, Dawn!

Library employee fired for writing about patrons

Wait until Gene finds out that a pen name won't protect him from all the damage he's done the last six and a half years. (via hijinksensue)

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